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Module 0x2::coin_manager

The purpose of a CoinManager is to allow access to all properties of a Coin on-chain from within a single shared object This includes access to the total supply and metadata In addition a optional maximum supply can be set and a custom additional Metadata field can be added.

use 0x1::ascii; use 0x1::option; use 0x1::string; use 0x1::type_name; use 0x2::balance; use 0x2::coin; use 0x2::dynamic_field; use 0x2::event; use 0x2::object; use 0x2::tx_context; use 0x2::url;

Resource CoinManager

Holds all the related objects to the coin of type T in a convenient shared function.

struct CoinManager<T> has store, key

id: object::UID
treasury_cap: coin::TreasuryCap<T>

The original TreasuryCap object as returned by create_currency.

metadata: option::Option<coin::CoinMetadata<T>>

Metadata object, original one from the coin module, if available.

immutable_metadata: option::Option<coin_manager::ImmutableCoinMetadata<T>>

Immutable Metadata object, only to be used as a last resort if the original metadata is frozen.

maximum_supply: option::Option<u64>

Optional maximum supply, if set you can't mint more as this number - can only be set once.

supply_immutable: bool

Flag indicating if the supply is considered immutable (TreasuryCap is exchanged for this).

metadata_immutable: bool

Flag indicating if the metadata is considered immutable (MetadataCap is exchanged for this).

Resource CoinManagerTreasuryCap

Like TreasuryCap, but for dealing with TreasuryCap inside CoinManager objects.

struct CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T> has store, key


Resource CoinManagerMetadataCap

Metadata has it's own Cap, independent of the TreasuryCap.

struct CoinManagerMetadataCap<T> has store, key


Struct ImmutableCoinMetadata

The immutable version of CoinMetadata, used in case of migrating from frozen objects to a CoinManager holding the metadata.

struct ImmutableCoinMetadata<T> has store

decimals: u8

Number of decimal places the coin uses. A coin with value N and decimals D should be shown as N / 10^D E.g., a coin with value 7002 and decimals 3 should be displayed as 7.002 This is metadata for display usage only.

name: string::String

Name for the token.

symbol: ascii::String

Symbol for the token.

description: string::String

Description of the token.

icon_url: option::Option<url::Url>

URL for the token logo.

Struct CoinManaged

Event triggered once Coin ownership is transferred to a new CoinManager.

struct CoinManaged has copy, drop

coin_name: ascii::String

Struct TreasuryOwnershipRenounced

Event triggered if the ownership of the treasury part of a CoinManager is renounced.

struct TreasuryOwnershipRenounced has copy, drop

coin_name: ascii::String

Struct MetadataOwnershipRenounced

Event triggered if the ownership of the metadata part of a CoinManager is renounced.

struct MetadataOwnershipRenounced has copy, drop

coin_name: ascii::String


The name of the related additional metadata dynamic field.

const ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME: vector<u8> = [97, 100, 100, 105, 116, 105, 111, 110, 97, 108, 95, 109, 101, 116, 97, 100, 97, 116, 97];

The error returned if you try to edit nonexisting additional metadata.

const EAdditionalMetadataDoesNotExist: u64 = 4;

The error returned if an attempt is made to change the maximum supply after setting it.

const EMaximumSupplyAlreadySet: u64 = 1;

The error returned if an attempt is made to change the maximum supply that is higher than the maximum possible supply.

const EMaximumSupplyHigherThanPossible: u64 = 3;

The error returned if an attempt is made to change the maximum supply that is lower than the total supply.

const EMaximumSupplyLowerThanTotalSupply: u64 = 2;

The error returned when the maximum supply reached.

const EMaximumSupplyReached: u64 = 0;

The maximum supply supported by CoinManager.

const MAX_SUPPLY: u64 = 18446744073709551614;

Function new

Wraps all important objects related to a Coin inside a shared object.

public fun new<T>(treasury_cap: coin::TreasuryCap<T>, metadata: coin::CoinMetadata<T>, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): (coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, coin_manager::CoinManager<T>)


public fun new<T> ( treasury_cap: TreasuryCap<T>, metadata: CoinMetadata<T>, ctx: &mut TxContext, ): (CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, CoinManager<T>) {

let manager = CoinManager { id: object::new(ctx), treasury_cap, metadata: option::some(metadata), immutable_metadata: option::none(), maximum_supply: option::none(), supply_immutable: false, metadata_immutable: false };

event::emit(CoinManaged { coin_name: type_name::into_string(type_name::get<T>()) });

( CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T> { id: object::new(ctx) }, CoinManagerMetadataCap<T> { id: object::new(ctx) }, manager ) }

Function new_with_immutable_metadata

This function allows the same as new but under the assumption the Metadata can not be transferred. This would typically be the case with Coin instances where the metadata is already frozen.

public fun new_with_immutable_metadata<T>(treasury_cap: coin::TreasuryCap<T>, metadata: &coin::CoinMetadata<T>, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): (coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, coin_manager::CoinManager<T>)


public fun new_with_immutable_metadata<T> ( treasury_cap: TreasuryCap<T>, metadata: &CoinMetadata<T>, ctx: &mut TxContext, ): (CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, CoinManager<T>) {

let metacopy = ImmutableCoinMetadata<T> { decimals: metadata.get_decimals(), name: metadata.get_name(), symbol: metadata.get_symbol(), description: metadata.get_description(), icon_url: metadata.get_icon_url() };

let manager = CoinManager { id: object::new(ctx), treasury_cap, metadata: option::none(), immutable_metadata: option::some(metacopy), maximum_supply: option::none(), supply_immutable: false, metadata_immutable: true };

event::emit(CoinManaged { coin_name: type_name::into_string(type_name::get<T>()) });

( CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T> { id: object::new(ctx) }, manager ) }

Function create

Convenience wrapper to create a new Coin and instantly wrap the cap inside a CoinManager.

public fun create<T: drop>(witness: T, decimals: u8, symbol: vector<u8>, name: vector<u8>, description: vector<u8>, icon_url: option::Option<url::Url>, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): (coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, coin_manager::CoinManager<T>)


public fun create<T: drop> ( witness: T, decimals: u8, symbol: vector<u8>, name: vector<u8>, description: vector<u8>, icon_url: Option<Url>, ctx: &mut TxContext ): (CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, CoinManager<T>) {

let (cap, meta) = coin::create_currency( witness, decimals, symbol, name, description, icon_url, ctx );

new(cap, meta, ctx) }

Function add_additional_metadata

Option to add an additional metadata object to the manager. Can contain whatever you need in terms of additional metadata as a object.

public fun add_additional_metadata<T, Value: store>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, value: Value)


public fun add_additional_metadata<T, Value: store>( _: &CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, value: Value ) { df::add(&mut, ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME, value); }

Function replace_additional_metadata

Option to replace an additional metadata object to the manager. Can contain whatever you need in terms of additional metadata as a object.

public fun replace_additional_metadata<T, Value: store, OldValue: store>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, value: Value): OldValue


public fun replace_additional_metadata<T, Value: store, OldValue: store>( : &CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, value: Value ): OldValue { assert!(df::exists(&, ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME), EAdditionalMetadataDoesNotExist); let old_value = df::remove<vector<u8>, OldValue>(&mut, ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME); df::add(&mut, ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME, value); old_value }

Function additional_metadata

public fun additional_metadata<T, Value: store>(manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): &Value


public fun additional_metadata<T, Value: store>( manager: &mut CoinManager<T> ): &Value { assert!(df::exists_(&, ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME), EAdditionalMetadataDoesNotExist); let meta: &Value = df::borrow(&, ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME); meta }

Function get_additional_metadata

Immutably borrows the additional metadata.

public fun get_additional_metadata<T, Value: store>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): &Value


public fun get_additional_metadata<T, Value: store>( manager: &CoinManager<T> ): &Value { assert!(df::exists_(&, ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME), EAdditionalMetadataDoesNotExist); let meta: &Value = df::borrow(&, ADDITIONAL_METADATA_NAME); meta }

Function enforce_maximum_supply

A one-time callable function to set a maximum mintable supply on a coin. This can only be set once and is irrevertable.

public fun enforce_maximum_supply<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, maximum_supply: u64)


public fun enforce_maximum_supply<T>( _: &CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, maximum_supply: u64 ) { assert!(option::is_none(&manager.maximum_supply), EMaximumSupplyAlreadySet); assert!(maximum_supply <= MAX_SUPPLY, EMaximumSupplyHigherThanPossible); assert!(total_supply(manager) <= maximum_supply, EMaximumSupplyLowerThanTotalSupply); option::fill(&mut manager.maximum_supply, maximum_supply); }

Function renounce_treasury_ownership

An irreversible action renouncing supply ownership which can be called if you hold the CoinManagerTreasuryCap. This action provides Coin holders with some assurances if called, namely that there will not be any new minting or changes to the supply from this point onward. The maximum supply will be set to the current supply and will not be changed any more afterwards.

public fun renounce_treasury_ownership<T>(cap: coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>)


public fun renounce_treasury_ownership<T>( cap: CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T> ) { // Deleting the Cap let CoinManagerTreasuryCap { id } = cap; object::delete(id);

// Updating the maximum supply to the total supply let total_supply = total_supply(manager); if(manager.has_maximum_supply()) { option::swap(&mut manager.maximum_supply, total_supply); } else { option::fill(&mut manager.maximum_supply, total_supply); };

// Setting ownership renounced to true manager.supply_immutable = true;

event::emit(TreasuryOwnershipRenounced { coin_name: type_name::into_string(type_name::get<T>()) }); }

Function renounce_metadata_ownership

An irreversible action renouncing manager ownership which can be called if you hold the CoinManagerMetadataCap. This action provides Coin holders with some assurances if called, namely that there will not be any changes to the metadata from this point onward.

public fun renounce_metadata_ownership<T>(cap: coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>)


public fun renounce_metadata_ownership<T>( cap: CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T> ) { // Deleting the Cap let CoinManagerMetadataCap { id } = cap; object::delete(id);

// Setting ownership renounced to true manager.metadata_immutable = true;

event::emit(MetadataOwnershipRenounced { coin_name: type_name::into_string(type_name::get<T>()) }); }

Function supply_is_immutable

Convenience function allowing users to query if the ownership of the supply of this Coin and thus the ability to mint new Coin has been renounced.

public fun supply_is_immutable<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): bool


public fun supply_is_immutable<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): bool { manager.supply_immutable }

Function metadata_is_immutable

Convenience function allowing users to query if the ownership of the metadata management and thus the ability to change any of the metadata has been renounced.

public fun metadata_is_immutable<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): bool


public fun metadata_is_immutable<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): bool { manager.metadata_immutable || option::is_some(&manager.immutable_metadata) }

Function metadata

Get a read-only version of the metadata, available for everyone.

public fun metadata<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): &coin::CoinMetadata<T>


public fun metadata<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): &CoinMetadata<T> { option::borrow(&manager.metadata) }

Function immutable_metadata

Get a read-only version of the read-only metadata, available for everyone.

public fun immutable_metadata<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): &coin_manager::ImmutableCoinMetadata<T>


public fun immutable_metadata<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): &ImmutableCoinMetadata<T> { option::borrow(&manager.immutable_metadata) }

Function total_supply

Get the total supply as a number.

public fun total_supply<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): u64


public fun total_supply<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): u64 { coin::total_supply(&manager.treasury_cap) }

Function maximum_supply

Get the maximum supply possible as a number. If no maximum set it's the maximum u64 possible.

public fun maximum_supply<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): u64


public fun maximum_supply<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): u64 { option::get_with_default(&manager.maximum_supply, MAX_SUPPLY) }

Function available_supply

Convenience function returning the remaining supply that can be minted still.

public fun available_supply<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): u64


public fun available_supply<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): u64 { maximum_supply(manager) - total_supply(manager) }

Function has_maximum_supply

Returns if a maximum supply has been set for this Coin or not.

public fun has_maximum_supply<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): bool


public fun has_maximum_supply<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): bool { option::is_some(&manager.maximum_supply) }

Function supply_immut

Get immutable reference to the treasury's Supply.

public fun supply_immut<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): &balance::Supply<T>


public fun supply_immut<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): &Supply<T> { coin::supply_immut(&manager.treasury_cap) }

Function mint

Create a coin worth value and increase the total supply in cap accordingly.

public fun mint<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, value: u64, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext): coin::Coin<T>


public fun mint<T>( _: &CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, value: u64, ctx: &mut TxContext ): Coin<T> { assert!(total_supply(manager) + value <= maximum_supply(manager), EMaximumSupplyReached); coin::mint(&mut manager.treasury_cap, value, ctx) }

Function mint_balance

Mint some amount of T as a Balance and increase the total supply in cap accordingly. Aborts if value + cap.total_supply >= U64_MAX

public fun mint_balance<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, value: u64): balance::Balance<T>


public fun mint_balance<T>( _: &CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, value: u64 ): Balance<T> { assert!(total_supply(manager) + value <= maximum_supply(manager), EMaximumSupplyReached); coin::mint_balance(&mut manager.treasury_cap, value) }

Function burn

Destroy the coin c and decrease the total supply in cap accordingly.

public entry fun burn<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, c: coin::Coin<T>): u64


public entry fun burn<T>( _: &CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, c: Coin<T> ): u64 { coin::burn(&mut manager.treasury_cap, c) }

Function mint_and_transfer

Mint amount of Coin and send it to recipient. Invokes mint().

public fun mint_and_transfer<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, amount: u64, recipient: address, ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext)


public fun mint_and_transfer<T>( _: &CoinManagerTreasuryCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, amount: u64, recipient: address, ctx: &mut TxContext ) { assert!(total_supply(manager) + amount <= maximum_supply(manager), EMaximumSupplyReached); coin::mint_and_transfer(&mut manager.treasury_cap, amount, recipient, ctx) }

Function update_name

Update the name of the coin in the CoinMetadata.

public fun update_name<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, name: string::String)


public fun update_name<T>( _: &CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, name: string::String ) { coin::update_name(&manager.treasury_cap, option::borrow_mut(&mut manager.metadata), name) }

Function update_symbol

Update the symbol of the coin in the CoinMetadata.

public fun update_symbol<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, symbol: ascii::String)


public fun update_symbol<T>( _: &CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, symbol: ascii::String ) { coin::update_symbol(&manager.treasury_cap, option::borrow_mut(&mut manager.metadata), symbol) }

Function update_description

Update the description of the coin in the CoinMetadata.

public fun update_description<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, description: string::String)


public fun update_description<T>( _: &CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, description: string::String ) { coin::update_description(&manager.treasury_cap, option::borrow_mut(&mut manager.metadata), description) }

Function update_icon_url

Update the url of the coin in the CoinMetadata.

public fun update_icon_url<T>(_: &coin_manager::CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut coin_manager::CoinManager<T>, url: ascii::String)


public fun update_icon_url<T>( _: &CoinManagerMetadataCap<T>, manager: &mut CoinManager<T>, url: ascii::String ) { coin::update_icon_url(&manager.treasury_cap, option::borrow_mut(&mut manager.metadata), url) }

Function decimals

public fun decimals<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): u8


public fun decimals<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): u8 { if(option::is_some(&manager.metadata)) { coin::get_decimals(option::borrow(&manager.metadata)) } else { option::borrow(&manager.immutable_metadata).decimals } }

Function name

public fun name<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): string::String


public fun name<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): string::String { if(option::is_some(&manager.metadata)) { coin::get_name(option::borrow(&manager.metadata)) } else { option::borrow(&manager.immutable_metadata).name } }

Function symbol

public fun symbol<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): ascii::String


public fun symbol<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): ascii::String { if(option::is_some(&manager.metadata)) { coin::get_symbol(option::borrow(&manager.metadata)) } else { option::borrow(&manager.immutable_metadata).symbol } }

Function description

public fun description<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): string::String


public fun description<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): string::String { if(option::is_some(&manager.metadata)) { coin::get_description(option::borrow(&manager.metadata)) } else { option::borrow(&manager.immutable_metadata).description } }

Function icon_url

public fun icon_url<T>(manager: &coin_manager::CoinManager<T>): option::Option<url::Url>


public fun icon_url<T>(manager: &CoinManager<T>): Option<Url> { if(option::is_some(&manager.metadata)) { coin::get_icon_url(option::borrow(&manager.metadata)) } else { option::borrow(&manager.immutable_metadata).icon_url } }