Witness Pattern
A witness is a type with the drop
ability that serves as proof that its owner was present during a specific privileged operation.
For example, possessing a "one-time witness" for a module demonstrates that the code is being executed at the time of the module's initial publication.
The Coin
module leverages this pattern to ensure that its treasury is created only once.
/// Module that defines a generic type `Guardian<T>` that can only be
/// instantiated with a witness.
module examples::guardian {
/// The phantom parameter T can only be initialized in the `create_guardian`
/// function, and the types passed must have the `drop` ability.
public struct Guardian<phantom T: drop> has key, store {
id: UID
/// This function takes an instance of the type T with the `drop` ability as
/// its first argument. The instance is dropped immediately upon receipt.
public fun create_guardian<T: drop>(
_witness: T, ctx: &mut TxContext
): Guardian<T> {
Guardian { id: object::new(ctx) }
/// Custom module that makes use of the `guardian`.
module examples::peace_guardian {
// Import the `guardian` module as a dependency.
use 0x0::guardian;
/// This type is intended for single-use only.
public struct PEACE has drop {}
/// The module initializer is the optimal way to ensure that
/// the code is executed only once. When combined with the
/// Witness pattern, it ensures best practices.
fun init(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
guardian::create_guardian(PEACE {}, ctx),