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Install IOTA

In order to deploy your contracts and interact with the chains some tooling is required. IOTA Rebased has an excellent command-line tool that can be used for the most common tasks.

The simplest way to get up and running with IOTA is to install the binary from the latest release available in the IOTA Rebased GitHub Repository. Make sure to download the version that matches the network you want to work on.

You can also use the convenient docker images in the repository to run your own local network.

If you require full control over the installation sources and process, you can always build the binaries yourself from source.

Supported operating systems

IOTA supports the following operating systems:

  • Linux - Ubuntu version 20.04 (Bionic Beaver) or later
  • macOS - macOS Monterey or later
  • Microsoft Windows - Windows 10 or later

Install Using a Package Manager

You can use Homebrew on macOS, Linux, or Windows Subsystem for Linux to install iota and iota-tool:

brew install iotaledger/tap/iota

Install From Binaries

You can find a set of binaries for most operating systems with each IOTA release that you can use to install IOTA. We recommend using the latest stable release for the network you are working on.

  1. Go to IOTA releases in GitHub

  2. Click the release tagged Latest to open the release's page.

  3. In the Assets section of the release, select the .tgz compressed file that corresponds to your operating system.

  4. Extract all files from the .tgz file into the preferred location on your system. These instructions assume you extract the files into a iota folder at the user root of your system for demonstration purposes. Replace references to this location in subsequent steps if you choose a different directory.

  5. Once you have downloaded and extracted the .tgz file that matches your operating system, you should open the folder and install the necessary binaries. You should start with the main IOTA binary:

    iotaMain IOTA binary.
    iota-faucetLocal faucet to mint coins on local network.
    iota-indexerAn indexer for a local IOTA network.
    iota-nodeRun a local node.
    iota-toolProvides utilities for IOTA.
  6. Add the folder containing the extracted files to your PATH variable. To do so, you can update your ~/.bashrc to include the location of the IOTA binaries. If using the suggested location, you type export PATH=$PATH:~/iota and press Enter.

  7. Start a new terminal session or type source ~/.bashrc to load the new PATH value.


Running binaries other than iota might require installing prerequisites itemized in the following section.


You can quickly test if you have successfully installed the binaries by running the following command:


It should output a message stating the currently installed IOTA version and some helpful commands.

Install From Source

You can use this section to install the Rust crates (packages) to interact with IOTA networks, including the IOTA CLI, from source.


You can also download the source code to access files locally.


Please ensure you install the following before attempting to install IOTA from source.

Rust and Cargo


Like most Rust projects, IOTA uses Cargo as a package manager. You can find detailed instructions on how to install Rust and Cargo for your OS in the official Rust Documentation

You can use the following command to install Rust and Cargo on macOS or Linux:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Since IOTA uses the latest version of Cargo to build and manage dependencies, you may need to update. The recommended update method is using rustup, as shown below:

rustup update stable

Additional Prerequisites by Operating System

Select the appropriate tab to view the requirements for your system.

The prerequisites needed for the Linux operating system include:

  • cURL
  • Rust and Cargo
  • Git CLI
  • CMake
  • GCC
  • libssl-dev
  • libclang-dev
  • libpq-dev
  • build-essential

The Linux instructions assume a distribution that uses the APT package manager. You might need to adjust the instructions to use other package managers.

Install the prerequisites listed in this section. Use the following command to update apt-get:

sudo apt-get update
All Linux prerequisites

Reference the relevant sections that follow to install each prerequisite individually, or run the following to install them all at once:

sudo apt-get install curl git-all cmake gcc libssl-dev pkg-config libclang-dev libpq-dev build-essential

Install cURL with the following command:

sudo apt-get install curl

Verify that cURL is installed correctly with the following command:

curl --version

Run the following command to install Git, including the Git CLI:

sudo apt-get install git-all

For more information, see Install Git on Linux on the GitHub website.


Use the following command to install CMake.

sudo apt-get install cmake

To customize the installation, see Installing CMake on the CMake website.


Use the following command to install the GNU Compiler Collection, gcc:

sudo apt-get install gcc

Use the following command to install libssl-dev:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

If the version of Linux you use doesn't support libssl-dev, find an equivalent package for it on the ROS Index.

(Optional) If you have OpenSSL, you might also need also to install pkg-config:

sudo apt-get install pkg-config

Use the following command to install libclang-dev:

sudo apt-get install libclang-dev

If the version of Linux you use doesn't support libclang-dev, find an equivalent package for it on the ROS Index.


Use the following command to install libpq-dev:

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

If the version of Linux you use doesn't support libpq-dev, find an equivalent package for it on the ROS Index.


Use the following command to install build-essential:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Install IOTA Binaries From Source

Run the following command to install IOTA binaries from the testnet branch:

cargo install --locked --git --branch testnet iota
Alternative releases

Replace testnet with another branch if needed when working on anything besides the testnet. Common options would be develop for the absolute latest version, devnet and mainnet. See the repository details for more information on commonly used branches.

The installation process can take a while to complete. You can monitor the installation progress in the terminal. If you encounter an error, install the latest version of all prerequisites and try the command again.

To update to the latest stable version of Rust:

rustup update stable

The command installs IOTA components in the ~/.cargo/bin folder.

Upgrade IOTA Binaries

If you previously installed the IOTA binaries, you can update them to the most recent release with the same command you used to install them:

cargo install --locked --git --branch testnet iota